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make your gift

I think our students will carry San Francisco Friends School with them for the rest of their lives.
– Kathryn Ma, SFFS Founding Trustee

Thank you for making a gift to San Francisco Friends School. Your contribution supports our teachers and students, strengthens our outstanding academic programs, and enlivens our shared spaces. We appreciate your generosity to our school!

If you are interested in donating to our endowments, please contact Stephanie Kastner, Associate Director of Development.


Please contact Associate Director of Development, Stephanie Kastner, at if you have any trouble making your gift online.

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Gift Designation
*If you would like to structure a pledge payable over time, please contact Stephanie Kastner, Associate Director of Development.
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Please contact Associate Director of Development, Stephanie Kastner, at if you have any trouble making your gift online.

You can also make your gift online by clicking here

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