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4th- & 8th-Graders Present on Their Own Experiences with Community Engagement to SFFS Trustees

4th- & 8th-Graders Present on Their Own Experiences with Community Engagement to SFFS Trustees
Alissa Kinney Moe

We were recently so thrilled to invite all of our current and former trustees—some of them founding members of our school!—to campus to join in Community Meeting for Worship and hear from our incredible students on how their academic experience at Friends is deeply connected with engagement work they are doing in the wider Bay Area community.

We were recently so thrilled to invite all of our current and former trustees—some of them founding members of our school!—to campus to join in Community Meeting for Worship and hear from our incredible students on how their academic experience at Friends is deeply connected with engagement work they are doing in the wider Bay Area community.

First, some representatives from our 4th Grade class presented with remarkable poise and power on the topic of immigration, which they took a deep dive into during their 3rd Grade year. The "Migration Stories" unit is a crucial piece of the 3rd Grade curriculum at Friends, and these students clearly conveyed the impression it made on them while discussing the history of Angel Island and some of their own families' personal immigration stories. Following this, representatives from our 8th Grade class shared a beautiful and equally powerful presentation on the housing crisis in San Francisco and the work being done by some of our community partners to try to re-think and bring new energy and ideas to creating more stability and long-term solutions in the realm of low-income housing, particularly for veterans in our community. Our 8th-Graders showed remarkable thoughtfulness, empathy, and understanding around an extremely complicated issue.

Hope to see this entire, wonderful crew back in the building on the evening of Saturday, May 13 to celebrate 20 years of Friends—an official save-the-date and invite will be coming later this spring!









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